Apple Watch 2 not receiving notifications
My Apple Watch 2 has now stopped receiving any notifications.I've googled this and not found too many helpful suggestions. All the notification settings are correct, it's not in do not disturb and the phone is still paired to it.
To test this, I've gone into the Watch app and changed the apps layout about on the watch, then looked on the watch and it has changed to suit, so the watch and phone are still seeing each other, I'm just getting no notifications.
Any ideas?
Thanks! I get occasional problems like this, mainly with tex messages, sometimes with emails.I have restarted watch and phone, checked set up, switched notifications on and off but have not been able to get this 100% resolved.I'm also on watch 2 and iPhone 8, both running the latest software.So like you any suggestions gratefully received. I did a complete un-pair, wipe the watch and re-pair yesterday and still exactly the same.  By default the Watch mirrors notifications on the iPhone. Do you get the notifications on the phone when the Watch isn't connected (e.g. in flight mode)? I'm getting everything on the phone as normal.
When the phone rings it no longer rings on the Apple Watch. I have an issue with mine
It’s a series 3 and up until yesterday I would get a nice haptic feedback from the watch to signify I had text message and a message by Facebook messenger.
That’s stopped
I’ve reset the watch fully three times this morning but still won’t come back
I just want my watch to vibrate with both types of messages but phone remain silent
Not sure why it’s changed last day or so No idea, as mine just suddenly started working again. No reason for it, only thing I can assume is that there was an app that had frozen that perhaps I'd finally used again and triggered it to work again. Although why it did that after a reset I have no idea. It’s strange.
I’ve fiddled with all I can find
It vibrates if my phone is called and notifications make it to phone, but they don’t vibrate