AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:23

Fair enough - either one or the other makes sense.   
IIRC the Olympus f4 300mm (perhaps some others) on the latest bodies will let you use both together.All academic with a Panasonic body 
Anyway I think this has drifted well off topic for this thread 

topgazza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:23

So, buyers remorse at selling my X-T1 but I wanted to try something else as I wasn't using it. I have a TZ and a Sony RX100 Mk1 and was looking at TZ100, LZ100, LZ15, Canon G7 X II and Sony RX100 Mk3 as a stop gap larger sensor camera. Then I realised my RX100 is tucked away in the draw and actually does the same as the others.

One thing that occurred is that not many of the current 1" and above compacts with fixed lenses are that new. I thought there would be a LZ100 II for instance. So I might as well get the RX100 out and use that as I was always impressed by the IQ and I loved the small size. Basically I need some simple basic things

1. Good IQ (natch)
2. EVF, if possible but not essential if tilting screen
3. Manual controls
4. Reasonable zoom 24-100 range or all points between

Not bothered about

1. WiFi although if it had it then fine
2. Video, I use it sometimes but its not my main driver
3. Touch Screen although I'd take it if there

Sort of an in between travel and compact system camera in capabilities 1" sensor minimum. But the new Sony's don't really add much more for me than the Mk1 and are getting to be silly pricing new. The G7 X II seem to have lots going for it but I think this is a market segment that is not well defined at the moment and is a bit of a mish mash of cameras. It should be a major section like travel compacts but the fixed lens area seems a bit complex to me.... with the only clear leader the RX range. So I might as well just stick to the RX for now ?

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:24

Any use ?

2017 Roundup: Compact Enthusiast Zoom Cameras

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:24

I went around the houses with a light travel camera. Started with Olly EM10 and 14-42mm pancake, upgraded to the Em5-II and 12-40mm f2.8, decided that it was too much money invested in a camera that only gets used a handful of times/year so sold it and bought the Sony RX100-3, didn't like it so tried the Canon G7x, preferred this but am too picky with IQ so tried the XT1, really liked the camera but didn't like the watercolour/painterly rendering of landscapes so now got the EM1 and 12-40mm f2.8 //

Basically what I'm trying to show is that there isn't a perfect camera, let alone a perfect travel/lightweight camera. In the end I figured that IQ and handling was a priority, both of which the 1" sensor cameras don't offer me. Also, I found it more of a hassle sticking one of the large (for a pocket) RX100-3/G7x in a pocket, constantly having to take it out etc rather than just having my Olly on a sling strap and always ready to go. For me having the Olly on the sling strap is more comfortable than having a relatively heavy bulky compact in my pocket.

topgazza Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:24

Thanks Jim... I had seen that.

I agree Snerks with searching for something for a particular use. I like my X-T1 a lot and was happy with the IQ in general. Loved the colours and the consistency of the shots and the beautiful handling. But I just wasn't using it and rather someone else got some use out of it until I'm ready to get out and about again. Funny enough I like the handing of the RX...I know what its for and wanted a good IQ small camera and for me its probably the best. Tried a G7 X II this morning and liked it but in some ways its too similar to the Rx100. I like the 1" and the 4/3 sensors for everyday use rather than more serious picture taking. I also really liked the Panny LX100 as well. But again I realised I'm back to where I was starting this out years ago.

I have my TZ for the comp and family and also the RX100 Mk1 which is fine for that step up quality and walkabout camera. But no "main" camera. Then I wonder if I need one at the moment and if I do would something like the LX100 do and I only shoot JPEG most of the time. I love macro but even the RX takes good cropable shots. I miss my Sony A77 which was a great camera for me but not the collection of lenses and bits and pieces that made going out a decision process as to what to take. I guess I need to get involved again in photography but right now my mindset is a bit "meh" so a camera is a functional device rather than a hobby..... at the moment. But that will change I know..... and then what main camera will be a bigger issue...but a fun one. Probably go Fuji again.

In the meantime I have got used to having 3 cameras...why ?...... and maybe I should just use what I've got but if an LX100 came up for sale I might have a look. But I may as well wait until my mojo comes back and get back to APS-C and above.....

Thinking of the guide here, which is excellent, as you say there is no perfect camera. Although it always seems to be the last one I sold... //

Any guide is hard as some of the cameras do a bit of one thing and others do something else. Its chosing the one that does the things you enjoy and use the most. We know that for everything practical a DSLR is still the way to go but the smaller cameras have come a long, long way and there are plenty of hybrid/crossover designs out there. I think its harder once you get experience of compact system or DSLR and a range of specialist pictures like macro or wildlife to choose an all round camera and be satisfied. Almost need a section for this covering compact system or micro 4/3 bodies with a single zoom lens as a new classification of camera. The small walkabout single lens system... thinking Oly or Sony A6000 type cameras. Mmmmm now theres something I should look at maybe ? :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

lindsaywood1991 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:24

Great overview! thanks for this very useful guide. I'd love reading tips and guide here since i'm a quite newbie in photography world!

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:25

Came across this 


IWC Dopplel Publish time 2-12-2019 06:14:25

Great guide
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