dpeat Publish time 2-12-2019 06:13:14

Not much of a teacher IMHO. Instead of telling you it's rubbish he should be offering advice on how to improve.

gianlara Publish time 2-12-2019 06:13:15

wow such a nice post. Its really something useful for someone like me who just started photography.

MrXile Publish time 2-12-2019 06:13:16

I'm a current photographer by day, and this is a nice find on a AV forum!Nice 
Will be a frequent poster here I am sure!

MrXile Publish time 2-12-2019 06:13:17

Actually just setting up a home-studio, do you guys have any tips on wireless triggers/receivers for strobes and speedlites, any recommendations? UK buyer btw!Just so you all know, I'm a UK dude. lol

(Actually, I believe most of you are too?)

Thug Publish time 2-12-2019 06:13:18

Thanks for comments guys.

I have a home studio and use Yongnou RF602 radio triggers.
Had them about 4 years now and they have never let me down.
They may be newer better ones, but I would certainly recommend them for the price.

MrXile Publish time 2-12-2019 06:13:19

Not bad, £19 is cheap.   Worth a try.

Are they easy to setup say three strobes on them?Could you explain how its done? I'm a n00b with this stuff (triggers I mean haha).ie.How does three of them connect to the strobes?

Especially when two maybe in front of the subject, and one behind etc.    Any explanation would be great mate, thanks!


Thug Publish time 2-12-2019 06:13:20

They use radio waves, just make sure they are the 602/3 or better because the cheaper ones use 433MHz which is not as good and will result in more misfires.
The better ones use 2.4GHz.

It doesn't matter where they are placed, just get on for each strobe and a transmitter for your camera. They will work about 20 meters away (or more) and even through walls.

MrXile Publish time 2-12-2019 06:13:21

So, I need THREE triggers to one receiver?Don't they come as a pack though?
Can I get packs with THREE and ONE for instance?

Thanks for the info.

sep8001 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:13:22

You can get a pair or two pairs. Just make sure you get the correct version Nikon or Canon depending on you camera.

Also note that the 603 use aaa batteries.

RF-603 N1 2.4GHz Wireless Flash Trigger/Wireless Shutter Release Tranceiver Kit for Nikon D1/D2/D3/D200/D300/D700:Amazon:Electronics


Yongnuo 4x RF603 N1 Flash Trigger D3/D3X/D100/D200/D300/D700/D300S radio flash trigger synchronously trigger flashes and studio strobes:Amazon:Camera & Photo

Check fleabay for better deals.

MrXile Publish time 2-12-2019 06:13:22

Sorry for the late reply, I replied on my phone, but it never came through obviously lol.
It basically said "Thank you, and thanks for the links".

I just assumed that one trigger was enough for three lights/strobes lol.   I got ONE with the home studio kit, which has THREE strobes.So just assumed.Kinda feel underwhelmed about the kit then.
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