King Tones
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:09:13
I honestly didn't realise there was so much choice when I started looking so I had to make the decision to make a choice of brand and narrow it down. I know a few people with Garmin ones so had very good feedback on them and they seemed to tick all the boxes plus lots and lots more.
Started off looking at the Forerunner 30/35 and then all off a sudden I'm reading reviews for a Fenix 5 and loads of others so had to stop looking and stick with Garmin and the initial few I looked at.
I could of been looking for months if I looked at other;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:09:14
QQ - my wife is looking at changing her Apple Watch 3 to something like a Garmin as she is getting GPS drop outs and poor battery life.
She syncs with Nikeapp on her iPhone and I've heard that you can sync Garmin's with Nikeas well (hopefully using her same account). Is this possible?
@King Tones - are you still happy with your Forerunner?
Thanks in advance
King Tones
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:09:14
I can't see anything via the Garmin Connect app but she should be able to check her NikeApp and see it under Partnerships or 3rd Party Apps and it should connect fine.
Very happy with mine so far. Have been impressed with the Battery Life also. Easily getting 6days of life out of it using all smart functions with a daily commute on the bike and a couple of runs all using GPS.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:09:15
Had a quick google and it sound like support was added in 2015, you need to connect your nikeplus account to you garmin account on the nikeplus site, (i can't check any further as i don't have nikeplus). Sounds like it works like strava and smashrun both of those website pull garmin runs off garmin connect once linked.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:09:15
Thanks - will take a look 
EDIT - yep, seems easy to connect the Garmin to it. That's great, might have to get one myself to replace my even older Apple Watch 2...
King Tones
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:09:16
The Garmin came into its own today.
Decided to do a run today so grabbed my shorts, trainers and t-shirt before riding to work.
Not ran for 3 weeks so wanted to get back to it before Xmas.
Problem was I forgot to grab a cycling top and shorts with pockets which I normally use for my Phone and did not want to carry my phone in my hand.
I use it for Music and the Couch to 5K App.
So I loaded up Garmin Connect and created a Run Workout using the same steps for C25K and then got my Running Playlist from Spotify onto the Garmin Forerunner. Connected my Bluetooth Headphones and set off for a run with ease without my phone.
I would of probably skipped the run if it wasn't for the Forerunner so that's money well spent.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:09:16
That's what I liked about my Apple Watch, just pickup and go but it's so temperamental with runs and poor battery I've decided to look at getting the Garmin Vivoactive 3 music tomorrow. Currently £180 @ Argos so seems a decent price. The wife is going for the Forerunner 245 music tomorrow as well - basically we are waiting to see if price drops at all but will get them anyway.
Been watching a lot of videos on the Garmins and have to say as slick as the Apple Watch is these generally look better and perform a lot, lot better than the Apple ones 
Now need to find some reasonable truly wireless ear buds to replace my old ones.
King Tones
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:09:17
The App and Watch are very good. A lot to customise and do.
A woman I work with had the Vivoactive 3 and she swears by it and had it since launch and done loads of sportifs and various other things with it. I was going to initially go for it but wanted something with more buttons rather than touchscreen.
My wife is now eying up the Forerunner 45
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:09:17
Which earbuds do you have?
The Vivoactive 3 seems to be the best transition form my Apple Watch as I like the touch screen and only really need it for running (with decent battery life) and I think it looks nicer than the Apple Watch as well.
There's also a great deal on the 245 music with Aftershokz Trekz headphones for £299
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:09:18
I've got the 645 music and love it
had an older rectangular vivoactive before and loved that. battery was actually better
I don't know the model numbers, but I think the entry vivoactive is only one button, so actually when running and sweaty makes things harder. but I can't recommend garmin enough out of the other options. has a good backing with software updates, customiseable and not gimmicky like apple, although i'm an apple iPhone owner.battery on most new ones will last about a week pending usage, but walk, run, ride, indoor features Garmin are a great option