Got a crazy idea of something to do with Alexa
Hi,Firstly, wipe your dirty minds of what you were thinking after reading my heading. Secondly, need some advice.
My wife has a Kindle Fire tablet that will soon become enabled with Alexa. Is anyone able to confirm if, with any digital assistants, you are able to tie the launch of a digital assistant to an animation? I was thinking of an animation of a female assistant appearing on the tablet when Alexa is launched. Then.......I'm going to use one of them pyramid items I have that turns your phone screen into a hologram to make a hologram of Alexa that appears when you call her name. You know it sounds stupid but you know it sounds cool. You mean exactly what this guy did.
Should be doable if you copy what he did, I'd guess Alexa has similar plugin API's for developers. Beautiful, thanks for sharing 