As I said, my laptop is of a much higher spec (and price) and its clear that it comes with a HDCP chip within the HDMI interface.I can plumb this into my AV amp and watch/hear stuff fine including Dolby Digital.
I hope it helps for you and at £2.99 its got to be worth a try!? 
edit: I'm using the Shark007 codec pack by the way, have you ruled out a codec issue?
edit2:Sorry, I said laptop but it is in tablet format Linky Same problem here, I bought this tablet last year, now I'm trying to connect it to a monitor but I can't find a suitable adapter. Tried three different cables/adapters with no success... If anyone has some idea please reply.
Cables/adapters that I've tried so far...
Mini-HDMI to HDMI adapter regular HDMI cable (tablet detects monitor but no sound, no display)
HDMI Female to Mini HDMI Male Adapter/Converter - Free Shipping - DealExtreme
Mini-HDMI to HDMI cable (tablet doesn't detect monitor)
Gold Plated 1080P HDMI V1.3 Male to Mini HDMI Male Connection Cable (1.8M-Length) - Worldwide Free Shipping - DX
Mini-HDMI to VGA cable (tablet doesn't detect monitor)
Gold Plated Mini HDMI Male to VGA Male Shielded Connection Cable (1.5M-Length) - Free Shipping - DealExtreme
HDMI to VGA RJ45 adapter Mini-HDMI to HDMI adapter (tablet just power off when VGA RJ45 is connected)
HDMI TO VGA RJ45 Adapter For N455 Tablet PC
Vlad Ola, adquiri a pouco tempo um px1 e gostaria de saber se alguem tem os drivers originais dele ??? ola amigo !!! voce saberia me dizer onde consigo os drivers originais do px1 ?? Katraeiro - Please post in English only.