Tablets For Business
I have a small business with 3 salespeople who are frequently out of the office and was looking for some tips on tablets, is there much difference on the apps available for business between the android and iphone`s.I usually do prefer android phone personally, was reading this article benefits of tablets which talks about the the different pieces of software such as gotomeeting, evernote and sales I, has any one got any more recommendations of software, my company is a double glazing so will probably need some software to take quotes and measurements.
thanks for your help guys Apple have a good business section in their stores. Go in and explain what you'd like the tablets to do for your business and ask for their advice which will cost you nothing.
There are tons more apps for iOS compared to Android and they tend to be more polishedand user-friendly. Thanks JayCee, does apple have an equivalent to google drive? Are they compatible if i have windows machines back at the office, i.e Microsoft word, excel etc Current statistics show there are around 2.2m iOS Apps and 2.8m Android ones. Hardly "tons more" for Apple. Yes, iCloud Drive and I can read and edit MS Word, Excel etc on my iPad. Worth considering surface pro tablets and an office 365 subscription. This will ensure your data is always in the cloud and gives you the access to office apps including a heisted email system. You can also use office 365 with a Mac & iPads/iPhones which I do.