muljao Publish time 2-12-2019 05:47:02

Inexpensive android aptx OTG

Aren't we all looking for a cheapie 

I have quite a good phone for most applications but would like a tablet for music. If it has aptx and otg I can install usb player pro and I'd be pretty much set. Can anyone recommend a cheap tablet that has otg and the aptx flavoured bluetooth. Thanks

dannnielll Publish time 2-12-2019 05:47:03

Qualcomm® aptX™ Automotive | Bluetooth® Car Stereos & Receivers
This is a place to look for certified products... I suspect that most Qualcomm Snapdragon tablets have the apxbut very fewthe apxHD. But it needs to be an Android 8.0 or better to be sure.
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