iPad Pro 12.9 Gen1 v Gen2
I am looking at replacing my cracked slow iPad 2 and Mini Retina with either a 10.5 Pro or either of the titled 12.9 iPads.I think the 12.9 might prove a tad cumbersome, but whilst I’m still considering them, is there much real world performance difference between the two?
Usage will be mostly web, email, light gaming eg WoWs Blitz, NowTv streaming. Nothing too taxing in my opinion.
Thoughts welcome.  Shouldn't you have posted this in the dedicated iPad subforum below this one ? I guess I should have, but this forum has changed beyond all recognition since I was last a regular poster, so hadn’t spotted the sub forum when posting my topic.
Thanks for the helpful reply though. My tuppence worth. A few years ago i picked up a 12.9 inch Windows tablet,with full hd screen made for the boulanger group . My opinion now is a 12.9 inch tablet is just too big and cumbersomeas a portable device. 10 inches or the original 9.7 of the iPads was right.8 inches very portable and 7 inches just a tad too small, even with a good screen. Miscellaneous question. . . .
Were the quad speakers updated from Gen1 to Gen2? Same for loudness and quality?