Tablet used with a Projector
HiMy brother has asked me to help him find a Tablet that can do the following, can anyone please help me pass on any advice to him.
Able to play Spotify
Connection to a Projector using an App
Pinch Screen
Thanks for any replies. iPad ATV - works with any Projector which has an HDMI Input.
Joe Thanks for the reply Joe, Can I ask what is ATV and is there a tablet (doesn't have to be Apple) that could connect wireless.
Thanks again ATV - Apple TV, we often stick an ATV on the rear of presentation room screens and folk 'AirPlay' over to them from iPad's, iPhone and MacBook's.
If you don't fancy Apple You can do similar with an Android device plus a Chromecast connected to just about any projector.
Joe Thanks Joe, much appreciated. Going back to basics...There are three types of tablet or phone.
Type c1 . Very basic and liw budget ones which have the screen only and what's on that is all you ever see. They have no outward connectivity except to view websites.
Type 2. They have a physical connection ,say a HDMI connection of some sort ,which can plug into a TV . In some cases a hdmi adaptor box might be needed.A number of the older premium phones went this way,..early Samsung galaxy and Sony Xperiaand a lot of the windows tablets eg. Toshiba, Lynxhave mini HDMI ports. . The Surface tablets phonesand PCs will belong in this category,as Microsoft has invested a lot of effort into connectivity. This is useful where the home WiFi is slow.
Type 3. They have no physical connection but Castthe contents of the screen ,using the home wi fi network.The Chromecast for Android, the Apple play ecosystem and Miracast to suitable TVs are examples.The current generation of qualityphones and tablets have tended to ignore the fixed physical connection and go this way. As a projector probably does not include the smarts for casting, a Chromecast at 30 quid, will do the needful, provided you are living the android dream.
Older projectors may only haveSCART svideo, or composite video or VGA, in which case, a PC or an older Kodi type box is the way to make the last connection. Thanks for the info dannnielll, I'll pass this on to my Brother.