reevesy Publish time 2-12-2019 05:43:57

have i killed my tablet???. power surge

hi all,

got a pipo p9 android tablet.....cutting a very long story short the tablet had a 240 supply possibly go straight into it....tablet immediately went black and off.

i'm assuming its fried something inside...

did'nt know if there was any internal surge protectionpart that was repairable.

or is it now destined for the bin?


JayCee Publish time 2-12-2019 05:43:58

Probably a bin job.
How on earth did you manage to feed it 240V mains?

reevesy Publish time 2-12-2019 05:43:59

thats what i thought.....

and ...dont ask 

reevesy Publish time 2-12-2019 05:43:59

Actually got it to start to boot up....deivice name and first part of boot up comes up...then goes power light is still on with a charger connected

reevesy Publish time 2-12-2019 05:43:59

basically the tablet is now starting to boot up..then immediately shutting down

.....trying to boot it into some sort of safe mode.....all info seems to point at holding down volume buttons.....which the tablet has'nt got...pushing a couple of buttons on start up i have managed to bring up a little android robot image up...the image has his front 'open'...with a keypad and an exclaimation mark showing...and a little bit of chinese writing under it?

no idea what that means or if the tablet can be booted up

dannnielll Publish time 2-12-2019 05:44:00

Whether you will ever get it up and running reliably again, I doubt, but the inside is not fried... If the machine can start a boot up sequence, the processor graphics chips and probably system ram is ok. What is probably the problem is a corrupt firmware bios programme... . In some cases these can be reloaded externally via a usb connection. But the simple truth is that tablets are intended as consumer items and repair and replacement of anysoldered component, is always problematic.

reevesy Publish time 2-12-2019 05:44:00 a new one now.

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