I’ll probably get that dance game, Creed, Beat Sabre, the tennis one, BoxVR if it gets the nod.Basically anything jumpy. Oh, and Super Hot and the Wild West shooty thing whose name I’ve forgotten.
I’ll be sure to post my thoughts once I have it.I went for the 64gb one, as I know the price of memory, and just hate being ripped off, even though I wanted the 128gb.£100 extra is taking the p!ss. Me and my bloody principles  As per law, you can open the box and inspect it for any goods delivered to your house.
You’re not entitled to this if you bought it from the store. I see your point. it is a difficult one.On one hand legally people are allowed to return devices for no specific reason if they decide they do not like it.
on the other hand no one (or very few) people like receiving items which have already been opened by other people- unless they know in advance and get a heavy discount.
something has to give somewhere however and i suspect push comes to shove the cost will be passed on to the users somewhere along the line.
riftS and quest may be different as they do not come with games however oculus rift CV1 and oculus touch bundles came with games, once the products wereactivated they games were tied to your account which would then make it hard to return under DSR i think.
as for the job... good luck. i have been through the "at risk" period many times and actually finally got forced on 2 years ago.it sucks but something usually comes alone. I ended up not being out of work at all, but was forced to not accept redundancy to make this so. As i had a new child at the time i could not risk it, so that was 20 years redundancy and about 6 months pay (after tax) i had to walk away from 