thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:10

It might have just been Windows 10 having a funny 5 minutes, restarted my PC and haven't had any problems since.

I've been meaning to do a completely fresh install of Windows for a while so I might do that next week sometime.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:11

I found this which could be big news if there’s no performance hit.

“Valve insists that its SteamVR platform will adjust VR games’ and apps’ rendered imagery to translate across a pair of non-parallel lenses so that developers don’t have to individually account for this Index-specific difference.”

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:12

A dev from Cloudhead talks about the differences between the Pimax and Index.

“There’s so much I cannot say but I need to say one thing here. I have A/B’d these devices side-by-side for the last few months. So many people are underestimating what the Index does differently and does so well. It is almost not a comparable experience. Take that for what its worth until you try it for yourselves."

Now I own the Pimax and I can see it’s flaws. I’m hoping the Index is indeed the first HMD to give edge to edge clarity across 120-130 degrees. That’s my biggest criticism of the Pimax that it’s off axis view is blurred.

It’s hard not to get excited for the Index and I just hope when I put it on for the first time its like looking through a clear window and not one that distorts or wobbles when you look around. I’m sure FOV and resolution will come in time.

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:13

That sounds promising. Be interesting to see how it translates in real life.

bilbosmeggins Publish time 2-12-2019 05:40:13

It’s a bizarre situation at the moment.VR users, myself included, have been crying out for more resolution, and an increased fov.Now that both are here, it turns that they are too much for current systems to truly cope with.Display panel and lens technology look to have leapfrogged GPU and CPU’s developments.Who’d have thought it? 
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