Quest appears to be trending
Very interesting data analysis at the start.It looks like the Quest has the edge in terms of interest generated. Yup, they're going to sell a sh*tload of these things. And the Rift S too.They've been leading the rest of the industry in terms of sales for quite some time now with the GearVR, Go and OG Rift and will continue to do so with the Quest and Rift S.
The only company that's come close to matching them in terms of total headset sales is Sony with PSVR but I think Microsoft will jump into console VR when the next console generation starts probably next year. Sony don't do a pc vr headset? You mean. Psvr? Yup, my bad, I made a typo lol  Apart from the Oculus site are the RiftS and Quest actually being advertised? I know the Index is on the front page of Steam. You would of thought Oculus would have an active campaign on facebook at least. Haven’t seen it being plugged anywhere thh