Data only SIM recommendations?
Does anyone have any recommendations for a prepaid (I think that's the term) data only sim?It's for my Lenovo tablet and will only be used occasionally, so I want a SIM I can add money to as and when without worrying about it expiring.
I've Googled it and only succeeded in confusing myself.
Looking for 4G as reception's good where I live (It'll only be used locally).
Thanks in advance. Obviously check network coverage for where you intend to use it but look for “EE” and the “Three” Network 4G Data SIM's on eBay.
I've been buying mine for my iPad for years from eBay seller “ebs” and find them second to none. Thanks Jaycee, I've seen a few of those but they all seem to have a "valid for..." date.
Am I right in thinking that the data has to be used up within the specified period?
Ideally I want something that any credit will remain on until I want to use it, without any time limits.
Or does the "30 days" (etc.) mean it has to activated within 30 days?
Sorry for all the questions but it really isn't explained very well on the purchase pages. Yes, once activated (on first use) they must be used within the stated time frame (e.g. 30 days) so it's a case of use it or lose it I'm afraid.
I know of none that don't expire.
You can top them up when you've used all the data or when they automatically expire.
I don't top them up, I just buy another (usually two so I've always got one spare). That's a great idea thanks. I'll buy a couple of cheap ones. 
I guess there's no expiry date until you activate them? Correct. @Roohster - did you go ahead with a sim card?If so I'd be interested to hear what you've bought as I'm in a similar position with a 4G tablet that would occasionally be handy to have a sim card for.
I've been looking at this one as it lasts a couple of years so I could stick it in and pretty much forget about it: sim&qid=1568414321&sr=8-3 I use 2 of these also from Amazon and no issues.Also handy when travelling as includes data roaming (EU). I haven't so far... I only use it very, very occasionally so I use my Iphone as a "hotspot".