Has anyone here heard of the VR Platform called Sansar?
I've been active on it for weeks and I absolutely love the quality of the graphics there! The experiences are detailed and pictureque. It is a social VR platform, but it can also be experienced in desktop mode.Sansar | Atlas - Virtual Reality Directory
If youre looking for a place to build a community, or youre a creator looking for a space to share your work, you can build here for free! I'm just a regular user but I feel this place needs alittle more exposure seeing as its pretty new 
Come to the Social Hub once you get there and if i'm there i'll show you around! <3 I’ve put about 30 hours into it. It’s not very smooth and has a very small community. It’s good for what it is but I feel it needs to scale itself back a bit. When did you check it out? It has had quite a few updates recently, and there will be a new avatar coming out this month too. I agree the community is small, but I dont see much happening in terms of advertising and it is only 2 years old so thats expected really 