Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:46
You keep on getting banned because of your anti-Oculus agenda, the very same agenda that you have here. You start off with a new account behaving like a normal and rational person but it never lasts long, you can't help yourself.
Anyway, we're going off topic here!
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:47
You are either in denial, don’t understand simples or keep trying to convince yourself that this agenda exists.
You couldn’t wait to join this Forum when you saw me posting here. As soon as I started posting here you couldn’t wait to sign up to troll this Forum with you anti Valve agenda and trolling me at every opportunity!
I really wish the mods here would cut this bullsh*t out.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:47
FGS................ both of you let it go!.please!.(or if not start up a specific thread where you can go at each other that way i can ignore it!).
There is plenty of room for all headsets and ideally no one should be getting banned for their preferences... but equally there is hardly any toxicity anythis forum, it is the main reason why i like it here so much, please lets keep it that way.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:47
Does the average consumer really have any idea who Nate is. I doubt it will make any odds on sales as Oculus products are still selling consistently. Let’s be honest the casual market is the hot new growth area for VR at the moment. All us nerds are set up.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:48
indeed I dont think it will alter oculus sales at all......... I still think it is a loss for oculus however, interview wise, when it is not full on technical stuffi much preferred the ones with him in.
As for the nerds being set up..... That is debateable.My CV1 now is over 3 years old (how time flies).I am not desperate to upgrade yet but lets just say i dont want to be waiting another 3 years!.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:48
@MikeKay1976 You know my views on the upgrade trail. Despite backing the 5kand getting an index package (Pimax sold - Index returned and refunded) I`m still rocking my CV1 set up.
Ease of use and simple functionality is king with consumers, especially in the gaming space. Its Nintendo and Sega repeating itself.
I don't doubt SteamVR and the likes of the Vivearen't good, its just that extra step to install another thing is enough to put a lot of consumers off. They are missing out on some good experiences in my opinion. Its makes me wonder why Oculus just don't open and have native support for other HMDs.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:48
Oculus would like nothing more but either Valve and/or HTC are stopping that from happening, my money would be on the former and the latter via a contractual agreement.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:48
Maybe store fronts / launchers will become like web browsers. Have slightly different features but ultimatelydo the same job.
Nivek TT
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:49
I reckon Nate wouldn't have much idea of who was frequenting internet forums or supposedly creating multiple accounts and getting banned... 
1... 2... 3... 4... I declare fanboy war! 
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:31:50
Oh if you only knew...