Low-Fi Kickstarter
IRIS VR today launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for LOW-FI, an atmospheric cyberpunk virtual reality game and so-called spiritual successor to TECHNOLUST (2016).Low-Fi is now on Kickstarter, aiming to raise roughly $45,000 ($60,000 CAD) in 30 days for an ambitious VR title. The game is set in a cyberpunk world from the mind of creator Blair Renaud; he doesn’t hide his inspirations, saying much is drawn from “great cyberpunk, noir, and sci-fi works” like Blade Runner, RoboCop, Outland, Alienand more. I’ve just backed it for several reasons.
Firstly this game looks stunning. If you love Blade Runner and VR then this is for you.
Secondly we need to back these games to keep them neutral. I’ve long argued game makers should go the Kickstarter route rather than sign exclusivity deals which keeps them locked behind walked gardens.
Thirdly the money from the Kickstarter will go to improve the game and make it an even better experience. The Dev team say they want to invest in live body scans, more programmers, writers, etc. This looks great. Did you try Aircar yet? Plenty of examples of Kickstarter games still going platform exclusive, sadly  Yeah I’ve tried it. It’s good but it does give me slight nausea even though I’m immune to VR sickness. It runs at 90hz too. Weird. And I thought you were hardcore  That’s why it’s weird. I can fly around in NMS at 45fps no problem but AC at 90fps gives me nausea.