Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:19
Thanks for the info. I could well end up with another T300 myself, as the last one served me well. Pedals I shall look into.
Regarding rFactor 2 - Unless much has changed then I’m not really too much of a fan.I always seemed to spend more time under the bonnet, trying to get it to play nicely, than I did on the track enjoying myself.I think there was too much modding going on at the time, and it just seemed a never ending battle trying to endure that one was running the correct track version, the latest car, and all sorts of things running in the background.Having said all of the above, I’ve never tried it in VR.
Presuming Ed
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:19
Yeah I understand - it's still a frustration but it's improving.
Most of the (good) mod content is now Steam workshop so updates kind of look after themselves.
It does desperately need the new UI - the big barriers for me now are clunkiness of getting onto the track, and lack of online activity.
If they can crack them, then it's a serious contender.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:20
Just out of curiosity......Did you sell the wheel base in the end?
Tiger Feet
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:20
I did.My DD1 arrived and I moved the CSW2.5on.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:21
Bugger! I should have snapped it up when you mentioned it. Hows the DD1?
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:21
What do you think of the DD1 (and direct drive in general)?
Tiger Feet
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:21
Well there is big noticeable difference between a belt drive wheel and a DD.
Having said that, you soon get used to what youve got.It goes from being a game changer to normal in about 5 laps 
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:22
I am thinking of using a DOF p3 mover , pantec sport pack ,but don`t really want x3 27" monitors swinging around .
What is the best vr head set out there at the moment for best resolution ,just for sim racing..
I won`t be using it for vr war games and the like just racing and flight sim.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:23
Difficult to say as a lot of those that use lighthouses have issues with tracking on a motion rig and you cant attach a sensor to your rig either due to lighthouses having moving parts.
The Oculus CV1 is possibly one of the only sensors that can be rig mounted, but its dated now (meaning you can pick it up cheaply, so not a bad thing).
Those with inside out tracking also have issues as they try to track things in the room plus the moving rig that causes it confusion.
I think I would go for the index as it appears one of the better HMDs out there, and find a way of getting the tracking to work. Or go for something like the Quest which is getting some good updates soon.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:26:23
Will Index work with one lighthouse if you're just going to use it for sim racing ?