Where can i try out a VR set ?
I live in theSW of the UK and there does not seem to be anywhere i can find a demo to try and see if i get on with one ok.I have been looking at either HTC vive or HTC rift s but i don`t want to buy one andfind i suffer from any problems .
any one in the s/w where i can have a quick look  Haha I don’t think you meant HTC RiftS.
We all know RiftS is made by Lenovo. Hi Joner
There are hopefully two other ways you can try out VR without private meetups with individuals here.One is to go the company's own demo centre.For HTC, there is one at Avensys Retail in Crawley and another at Chillblast in Poole (that's probably closer to you).
VIVE™ United Kingdom | Try Vive VIVE is a virtual reality brand building hardware, software and creative platforms to unleash imaginations from the limits of our world. /proxy.php?image=https://www.vive.com/static/images/favicon.ico&hash=1a7d88c21050ebcba7d0fc5c83efe83b&return_error=1 www.vive.com
For Oculus, there are two in London.
Oculus(scroll down to "Try Oculus Today")
Oculus | VR Headsets and Equipment Defy reality and distance with Oculus. Our VR headsets connect people and redefine digital gaming and entertainment. Learn more about Rift, Rift S, Quest and Go. /proxy.php?image=https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v3/yA/r/70YTprGXpxP.png&hash=88958af5efa31b8d9deb428ad10fe487&return_error=1 www.oculus.com
The second way is to go to a VR entertainment experience or gaming centre.
I know of several in London such as the 6 described in this link.
/proxy.php?image=https://media.timeout.com/images/105383777/image.jpg&hash=1bd0094f68df01aa54c327ce883fa57d&return_error=1 Six places to experience virtual reality in London In the last few years, London has really embraced the eye-popping possibilities of VR (virtual reality) entertainment. Here are six hotspots across the capital which will welcome you, briefly, into a whole new world. /proxy.php?image=https://www.timeout.com/favicon.ico&hash=00558a8a19a30a76cd3729bd4478bf5f&return_error=1 www.timeout.com
I am sure there are more elsewhere but London seems to be the popular location for such entertainment centres/gaming lounges.
RiftS is by Oculus just fyi, in case that wasn't a typo!
Hope that helps and more importantly, hope you do get on with it well and enjoy the pleasures of VR. Thanks,
Closest is Poole.
I wear glasses at times for reading and if i try to use a phone without them my eyes ache a bit.
Will i be able to adjust focal settings on them or is it not the same as trying to focus on a phone screen? Vr is different to reading on a phone.VR literally imitates real world regards focus.You can wear your glasses inside any of the major brand headsets but some headsets also have third party prescription lens that you can fit into the headset so you don't have to wear glasses...this slightly improves the FOV as you can get a little closer to the VR display.I have not ever tried third party prescription lens fit in so I can't vouch for those but I sometimes wear contact lenses and the FOV is noticeable wider when I wear them.
But mostly I wear glasses in my Rift and PSVR.They fit most size glasses. Although, if you bought some of Elton John's glasses from his auction, you might struggle with some of those! Well, went along on a 20 min blast.
I tried a Vive Pro.
It is not for me .I am going to get x3 monitors 4k and go that way.
I tried glasses on and off but I found it very pixely almost as a 80sMario games.
Not knocking it .just not for me.
Good thing try before youbuy !