Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:42
The index cable is a really thick heavy thing.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:43
I wouldn’t call it thick and heavy.
Left Pimax 5k , Middle Index, Right Vive.
So Index is slightly thicker than the Pimax but both are far better than the Vive.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:44
I only briefly owned a Vive. When you go from a CV1 to the index you notice the weight. But there is more in this cable after all. Higher quality for faster data rates etc for the higher res screens and the extra usb port and cameras.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:46
The Vive cables are both certainly heavy-ish, but I had a far easier time managing the OG Vive's ribbon-like cable than the Pro. The Pro's cable likes to loop and twist and wrap around my feet.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:46
I don't own either but out of those 2 surely an index is almost the no brainer?
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:47
Almost  a complete package, the Index would be a nobrainer.
As a single HMD upgrade, the Index would certainly win on comfort and audio, but I don't like giving up the OLED blacks and colours. Horses for courses...I'm certainly not regretting getting the Pro over the Index 
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:48
I actually read your reply after I posted. . The loss of oled I forgot about
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:49
Thanks for the advice. Have ordered the Index & controllers
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:49
You will love it!
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:25:49
I had owned DK1, DK2, Rift, Rift S Now, here is my take
S is LCD and Rift is oled, however unless you are watching black screen, I will take the LCD any day.
the pentile display is a pain with SDE.
Vive have smaller sweet spot, while the Index have better viewing
I liked the rift S because of inside out tracking and price.
if I wanted to splurdge I would choose index over Vive any time.
however, Rift has exclusive content which is actually good, and most games are optimized for the rift.
The Rift S, while low res, it strikes good balance with min SDE (to be truthful I cannot see it unless I am looking for it in certain scenes) but the problem with the resolution, is that you cannot resolve distant objects.
goes without saying, running such high resolution at solid 80(and trust me you do not want to drop FPS too much)
to make matter worse, there are two view points to render.
this is why VR titles look cartoony, and not as good as mainstream monitor gaming.
add to that, that only "AAA" games for VR are first-party from Oculus, which is why I think its the better choice if you are on a budget.