I’d rather go play a game with substance. SkyrimVR  A rather gushing review. After three hours of play I would describe it as a family friendly Skyrim. Its visually stunning and runs flawlessly. I wonder how many people will pick up Skyrim after having played this? I respect you so much for this. Given how much you hate and despite Oculus, if you were to still play their games, I'd see you as a bit of a joke. But given you don't, respect man. Problem with Skyrim is its a modding black hole. I got 40 hours in SKyrim and trust me.. I didnt even get to see the first dragon.I was spending all day wondering about trees.. I’ve never applied 1 mod to SkyrimVR. But I’ve spent hours killing dragons. Go figure.
I guess you can’t see the dragons for the trees.  I feel your approach is a lot more healthy than mine https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/joypixels/[email protected]/png/64/1f602.pnghttps://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/joypixels/[email protected]/png/64/1f602.png