Thrill of the Fight - Quest
See this amazing boxing game has just been released for the Quest. Hands-down, the most intense workout you can get on the Oculus. Bought it straight away, as it was a no brainer for me. So much better than Creed. If you’ve not played it before, then it’s more sim than arcade.No fancy bells and whistles, just gritty, sweat inducing boxing.I already owned it for the Rift but barely played it because of the whole “tethered” thing. Now, on the Quest, it benefits from proper room scale action. And what a joy to play now with absolute freedom. This will form the backbone of my vr exercise regime. Yup this is where the quest outshines every other headset It's currently got a Halloween update too where you can fight 3 themed fighters. I'm on-call tommorow so hopefully in the doctor's mess in the evening, everyone will be gone and I'm going to try and do a couple of fights on this if its quiet.