Pistol Whip
Anyone tried this yet? I usually have no interest in rhythm games but this has got my attention, though it seems a little expensive. Also a big fan of Cloudhead Games so far. Was hoping to pick it up at the weekend but never found any time. Hopefully tomorrow evening./proxy.php?image=https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/1079800/header.jpg?t=1573149526&hash=448cada429cdf4a9772bbb037474fd0b&return_error=1 Pistol Whip on Steam Pistol Whip is an unstoppable action-rhythm FPS. Journey through a cinematic bullet hell powered by a breakneck soundtrack to become the ultimate action hero legend. /proxy.php?image=https://store.steampowered.com/favicon.ico&hash=af4fa29aa72b17b3ff2328d90bb6c306&return_error=1 store.steampowered.com I keep on saying that I'm going to stop buying games but I keep on doing it lol. I've got LOADS to play at the moment.
I'll certainly be keeping my eye on this though. Must...resist...must...resist...:image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7  Ah crap, I bought it this morning while lying in bed.  to try it tonight... I'm still yet to buy it though almost certainly will.
@ArmitageShanks keen to hear your views! I bought it and had a go this afternoon.
Seems a little limited and repetitive in gameplay very quickly. Like you're very quickly being swept through some SuperhotVR levels when you'd rather take things much more slowly and use different skills that you just can't use at that pace.
At the moment I have no desire to put it on and play it any more. Like Beat Saber, it's very tiring, at least to someone as unfit as myself! I'm less concerned with the beat aspect and more concerned shooting the enemies though. By default there is some aim assist (actually...a lot of aim assist) - trying it with the "dead eye" option is next to impossible, but a lot more satisfying if you pull it off.
Would have preferred more realistic graphics than the abstract Superhot-esque style, TBH. Still, very polished, can't really fault it otherwise. I'm sure it will ultimately get a bit repetitive as Ed says, but at the moment I'm slightly hooked. Ah dammit and there was me thinking I was brilliant at this game.
It kind of falls through the cracks for me.
I agree with the styling - it's hard not to think of Superhot VR when playing it, but it just doesn't have the originality and guile of that title.
I'm not sure I buy into the rhythm thing either. I have a decent sense of rhythm, I like rhythm games. But the visuals don't encourage any rhythm. The enemies don't emerge to the beat, or move to the beat. I can shoot them to the beat but don't seem to get rewarded for it.
And at the very start, at the beginning of the first level, the game starts before the music has even established a beat. You're shooting people to a wavy synth string noise with no beat whatsoever. Hardly sets the scene for a rhythm game.
Nah, this one misses the target for me. Whether it has aim assist or not. I thought you had to shoot the enemy as they flash? Could well be wrong though.