Publish time 2-12-2019 05:03:16
More a question about the sky’s router
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:03:18
Extract from review-
'If you are lucky (or unlucky, as the case may be) to live in a new build home, the woes of getting Wi-Fi to every corner of the house may not be one that's familiar to you. Wireless signals penetrate easily, thanks to paper thin walls and a construction ethos that errs more on the ‘build as cheaply as possible’ method as opposed to creating a quality build. If, however, you live in either a very large house or one built over 40 years or so ago, then getting Wi-Fi through properly built thick walls can be a right pain, and often leads to numerous devices littered all over the house to try and eliminate those nasty dead zones.'
Well a lot of new houses actually have solid walls downstairs, mainly made with light weight blocks. Nothing particularly wrong with that.
Upstairs the only time old houses had solid walls was when the layout matched downstairs. If the layout didn't match out came the lath and plaster. Indeed if you have to mess with a old houses lath and plaster you will wish it was modern build.
New builds can be worse than old house solid walls with regards to signal problems. Metal studs or the worse case foil backed insulation can interfere or in the worst case foil backed stop it dead.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:03:19
I recently picked up the RBK 40 version of the Orbi from amazon warehouse for £160 and it was brand new inside the only thing i could see that was wrong was a small indentation in the corner of the box so anybody who does not mind taking the chance may save quite a few £££ .
I am with virgin media and on vivid 200 and the Orbi has no problem maxing that speed over wifi no matter upstairs or downstairs and i live in a 100year old terraced house with mostly thick brick
Greg Hook
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:03:20
Yes, you can connect via WiFi.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:03:21
Stupid question - easy to update the dns on the main router ? I use getflix to access Vudu and would like to continue to take advantage of this with moving to a new router\wireless system
Joe C
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:03:21
The DHCP server isn’t advanced enough to send out a different DNS server. But I use similar (Smart DNS Proxy) and just set the DNS on the relevant device manually.
It’s actually better as I have some devices I don’t want using SDP as it can cause other issues
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:03:22
Ok. Good to know. I primarily need the dns for my Apple TV 4k.Is that even possible ?
Joe C
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:03:23
Yes, that’s one of the devices I set manually myself
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:03:24
Thanks for the advice.Bought and installed at the weekend.Everything working perfectly and a zero stress set up //
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:03:25
Hi Joe - On Netgear Orbi, is there a way to assign separate SSID's for 2.4ghz and 5ghz? It appears you can't, but I'm hoping you've got info to help me on this 
I'm trying to work through some Harmony Hub issues and this "may" help resolve.