clum111 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:01:27

Need to change Sky router for something better?

I've a Sky Q router and I'm having with the wi-fi/connection.I've a marine aquarium that has 3 sets of wi-fi led lights and I've 3 SONOS speakers. I've noticed that if the LED lights get turned off and I have to reset them, this causes the speakers to play up and ever day I'm rebooting the router twice a day because the speakers uses a lot of the wi-fi.The only reason I know this is because I've read a post on SONOS forum and people have said Sky routers and SONOS speakers don't work well.

So, what router can I buy that will work on Sky's broadband, as I've read you need a special router?

psychopomp1 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:01:28

Any one of the TP link modem/routers will work on Sky as TP Link kit has DHCP Option 60/61 hard coded into its settings - provided you use 'Sky MER VDSL' as the ISP in the router settings.

Wrt which model of TP Link to go for, if money is no object then go for a VR2800 - its a 4x4 wifi router. Alternatively, the VR900v2 is a good balance between performance v cost. Have a read here on other users using the VR900 and pretty much all feedback states that's its better than Sky kit for wifi.

Question - Netgear R8000 replace sky q hub

orange55 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:01:29

I have a Draytek 2762ac Which works perfectly with Sky, Sonos, My Music Server and all the other devices on my network.

Much faster than the Sky router and no WiFi issues.

clum111 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:01:30

Thanks guys've actually just found out Shy has an issue with their Q hub and these LED lights.This coming week they are rolling out a patch for their hub, which solve the problem.
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