Plug and play option for a Sky q customer
Hello.I am in need of a new router.
I am a sky q customer, not satisfied with the Q hub at all so I'm looking for a new router. Is there a plug and play option?
If not, what are my options?
Cheers. TP Link routers are very easy to setup on Sky broadband, as they have DHCP Option 60/61 hard coded into their settings provided you select 'Sky VDSL MER' as the ISP in the ISP drop down list. The TP Link VR2800 is the one to go for if budget isn't an issue (its a 4x4 Mu-Mimo router). Otherwise the VR900 is an excellent choice and is a good balance between performance v cost. A few on these forums have bought the VR900 and very happy with it  You're a star, thank you.