damo09 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:56:00

Oh. So the router they are sending will connect to the unit hardwired in the picture. And I can put the replacement router in say the living room

psychopomp1 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:56:00

Correct, the router needs to be connected to LAN1 on the ONT and then you can place the router wherever you like. This is where mine is but I specifically asked Openreach to install the ONT out in the open next to the master socket in the living room. Though when it comes to new builds, the developer/Openreach will already have decided where the ONT will be located so you don't have the luxury of getting to pick & choose the ONT location.


mickevh Publish time 2-12-2019 04:56:00

@psychopomp1 - your wife must really love you if you're allowed a router that ugly in the living room! 

On a more serious note - have you ever had a play with the antenna orientation, if so did you notice much effect? IIRC that's a MU-MIMO capable router so one would think orienting the antenna in pairs (so you still get some beamforming) might have some interesting effects. Just curious.

psychopomp1 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:56:00

lol yeah its a huge monstrosity but pretty much all tri-band 4x4 stream routers look similar - the extra 5ghz band is very handy when you've got loads of wifi clients all competing for bandwidth. The missus has no choice but to accept the router I decide to use 

Re: antenna orientation on the Linksys EA9500, I always keep the antennae upright as using other positions doesn't make much difference to the signal attenuation. However a few years ago when I was using the Asus RT-AC87U, the best wifi signal was obtained by positioning the antennas in a 45 degrees direction, as recommended by Asus.

damo09 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:56:01

If I should need a stupidly long ethernet what is the one I need

psychopomp1 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:56:01

Cat 5e cable for indoor use will be fine. I normally go for Amazon Basics range, it tends to be good quality kit at a great price.

damo09 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:56:01

Would one of those power network things work instead of a ethernet.

psychopomp1 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:56:01

No, the router has to be connected via Ethernet to LAN1 on the ONT. If you’ve really got your heart set on having the router on a different floor and want a professional job done wrt cabling, perhaps look for a network installation company in your area who may charge considerably less than £200? Perhaps even the developer’s contractors if they’re still onsite?

damo09 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:56:01

Just I'd like the xbox ps4 and TV hard wired. Bloody new house.

pocketmonkey Publish time 2-12-2019 04:56:02

I don't suppose there are any telephone points in the cupboard or dotted around the house? Most new builds I've visited have a couple on each floor although I've yet to visit a house with fttp. Most of them have cat5 running through the walls and if that's the case you may get away with a couple of rj45 faceplates if the outlets are located sensibly
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