Ethernet wall plate (wired with U/UTP) next to socket? Interference?
Hi chapsHopefully one of you knowledgeable chaps can help!
I'm struggling with locating an ethernet wall plate, the only decent place I have is about an inch away from a plug socket. I'm wiring the house with CAT 6 U/UTP as I keep reading on here that using shielded cable can cause issues and lots are saying don't bother, just use UTP.
Anyone know if the close proximity between the two would cause interference in the CAT cable?
I'm going to be plugging in my virgin router to this wall plate, so I can't have interference with that, as this connection will be distributed to the rest of the house!
I have some lead sheet which I could surround the cable and pattress box with before I secure in the wall, if that might be a belt and braces approach, thoughts anyone?  The general rule of thumb is you want to keep a distance of about 7cm for any parallel runs in excess of a metre.Having said that, several people have commented on having parallel runs of low current single phase power with UTP over several metres (sometimes 10 or more!) with no problems.
In the home, unless you've got some really 'noisy' appliances on adjacent circuits, I think you'll be extremely unlucky to have problems, but make sure you stick to the CATegory standards when putting the cable in and terminating. Thanks for that, the cables will only be in parallel for about 30cm or so, so not much, and I think I can keep them 7cm apart, just!
I cut out some old lead gas lighting pipes elsewhere so I'm thinking I can cut a couple of sections of that to thread the CAT cable through, should be pretty decent shielding from the power cables!