Chuck_Norris Publish time 2-12-2019 04:49:05

anyone using openvpn on an asus router?


i'm using it succefully on an RT-AC68U to access my home network, mostly to view my blue iris ip camera server.

i setup a new user and password, i can connect fine etc. Problem is within a few weeks the logon stops working and i have to set up a new user and password.

is this a security feature within openvpn or the router where logons only last for so long? is there a setting somewhere i'm missing that can be adjusted?

mickevh Publish time 2-12-2019 04:49:06

I don't know your hardware, but it would surprise me if you router was doing this - cheap and cheerful hardware devices tend to be "set once and forget about it" type devices, so I'd check in your with your VPN service provider.

Incidentally, if your router is capable of functioning as a VPN end point (server) it begs the question of "why use a service provider." You could potentially save yourself the cost of the VPN service and DIY, though you'd have to register a DNS name and sign up with a Dynamic DNS service provider and thusly the cost might not be much different.

psychopomp1 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:49:07

If you're using the Asus stock firmware, it might be a router bug. I suggest using Merlin's Asus firmware:
Home | Asuswrt-Merlin

Chuck_Norris Publish time 2-12-2019 04:49:08

Thanks for the replies.

I'm using the vpn service on the router to access my home network. I'm not using a VPN service provider??

Chuck_Norris Publish time 2-12-2019 04:49:09

If I swap to the merlin firmware I take it just retains all my settings etc?

psychopomp1 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:49:10

It *should* do. However I suggest you backup your current settings (if not already done) and then install Merlin's firmware. Once installed, do a factory reset on the router (to clear NVRAM) and then load settings backup file you saved earlier. Couldn't be easier 

mickevh Publish time 2-12-2019 04:49:10

Cool - my mistake.
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