neilball Publish time 2-12-2019 04:41:06

What happens if you connect the first powerline to your switch and the second to the TV, do the other wired devices “disconnect” again? Is the TV also set up to use wifi as well (and if it is can you “forget” all wifi network/settings to ensure only the ethernet connections will be used)?

ArcticWolf710 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:41:07

I have a couple of the Netgear switches too.

It varies, but usually you need to use port 5 on the switch to connect to your router.Use ports 1 through 4 & it can instantly drop all other connections.My 5 port Netgear does this.

Double check your switch is connected to the router from port 5 .

xar Publish time 2-12-2019 04:41:08

Let me try both of these! Great suggestions as always...thanks all

Andy98765 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:41:08

You may have an IP conflict going on somewhere. In the TV menu "Network", "Network Connection" try running quick setup again.
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