NAS to stream movies to Apple TV InFuse.
Hi all,I'm looking for a NAS for my brother who wants to stream movies, home movies and TV shows to his HD TV.
I have a Synology 216Play which works great streaming to the same devices and players but they have now been superseded by the 218Play.
In short, what's the best NAS for under £300 to go for?
Thanks for your help everyone!
Steve I would of thought that any nas would do, as the ATV & InFuse will be doing all of the work.
I am doing the same thing with an older Synology DS214 Play. I use Synology DS418's & they work perfectly in exactly the same role.
If it's just your brother streaming his media from the NAS rather than a whole family placing far greater demand on the available resources with transcoding etc., then almost any NAS will do the job . I am looking at doing the same thing as your brother mrdogcat.
I was looking to get the Synology DS918 , but having read the comments in this thread, I may go for the DS418 play which is about £100 cheaper I think. I want a 4-bay NAS for extra storage when my movie collection expands.
I already bought a Seagate IronWolf 8Tb hard drive from Amazon US. Just waiting for Black Friday before buying my NAS. For InFuse anything will do as it just reads the network shared folders or Plex and does all the video decoding locally on the ATV so the server does not need transcoding support.
For network shares NFS are the most reliable in accessing and waking the server, see pics below on how to config for access with InFuse, you must also assign a static IP to the NAS or via router tag the IP to the MAC address if it has the feature. This is because InFuse will be looking at the IP address as path to read folders rather than server name with NFS.