WeegyAVLover Publish time 2-12-2019 04:40:23

Synology DS Audio / iTunes playlist importing

Hi All,

I have a large iTunes library (that is not true, its my wife's) 

I installed DS Audio on the NAS box, imported the library into the music folder and pointed iTunes to the new location and all is smashing in the world.

I then installed DS audio app on my phone and I can also access all the same music via the ds audio app.

However the playlists my wife has made up are not there.I have been looking on the web an have found information about it but at the moment I cannot seem to get it to work.

What I am doing is this:
- created a folder in root music share called 'playlist'.
- open itunes
- select a playlist.
- export playlist using the m3u file type to the playlist folder I created in the music share.
- open ds audio and go to playlist list.

However this is not working and I am not sure if I am missing a step or away of pointing DS Audio to the playlists.

Anyone tried to do similar and had this issue and overcome it?

WeegyAVLover Publish time 2-12-2019 04:40:25

Anyone? Anywhere?

maf1970 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:40:25

Not an expert on this type of stuff but your post suggests a permissions issue. Do you and your wife have separate IDs?

tich77 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:40:26

@WeegyAVLoverdid you solve this?

Can it see the playlists?
If so, can it play the list - if not, as I recall iTunes prefixes each track with the folder music, e..g \music\tune1.mp3

DSM stores music in the folder music, so it is looking for \music\music\tune1

Two solutions
1. Using text editor of choice, edit the playlists removing \music from the start of each line
2. Create a folder call music in the \music folder on the Synology, and store your imported songs there.

However, if it can't see the playlists, then the problem is something else. I /think/ they are stored in the hidden root volume. Off top of head can't remember how to access this volume (google has the answer), and iirc can only be accessed from the command line, or possibly using an FTP tool (in which case it is theoretically possible to upload playlists using Filezilla, CuteFTP or similar)
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