ashtonjay Publish time 2-12-2019 04:30:54


I have quite a few films that are like 25-50 gig in size
i was gonna run them through handbrake but whats an ideal size reall for a good quality film viewing

i am a bit of a HD snob

mdbarber Publish time 2-12-2019 04:30:55

only you can tell what your eyes (and ears) find Acceptable (or pleasing) but the main companies involved have spent a lot of money investigating optimums of file size vs quality....

mushii Publish time 2-12-2019 04:30:56

If you are a real HD snob, why not stick with 4K BD’s and not mess with them by compressing them or alter them by ripping them?

ashtonjay Publish time 2-12-2019 04:30:57

becaue my 16tb nas would soon get full if i did that

mushii Publish time 2-12-2019 04:30:57

I meant a real snob would never rip disks in the firstplace, we just play the disks themselves 

springtide Publish time 2-12-2019 04:30:58

I find that for 1080p the difference over say around 8-12GB is minimal... maybe 14GB for an Atmos file.

4K I’d say above 25GB the difference are again small to say a 50GB file.

But maybe my eyes are not as good when in my 20s, but this is viewed on a 65” screen at around 10-12ft

Sloppy Bob Publish time 2-12-2019 04:30:59

You'll regret encoding them when you upgrade your equipment, get a bigger TV or a better sound system.

Some types of movies it won't make much of a difference such as dramas or comedies, but any film that's been acclaimed for its cinematography, has a lot of fast action, loads of SFX will suffer by reducing the bitrate of the file.

It also takes a really long time to do it properly and to do it properly needs quite a bit of experience with settings, filters etc. Just banging in a CRF of 16 to Handbrake and leaving it to it doesn't get great results.

Bigger NAS/ 2nd NAS

Or be selective over what you rip and store.
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