Scan free delivery
Hello all,I've been told by a scan member of staff that I can get free delivery if I'm a member of the AV forums (buying a new monitor, graphics card and flight stick from them).
Well I've been registered for a fair while and made a few posts but how do I go about getting a member status which apparently I need for free delivery...
Sorry if this is in the wrong place, if it is could a mod move it, and if you could update my status to "member" or let me know how to do that I would appreciate it.
Thanks everyone, have a nice weekend.
Jon. Well it took a little searching, but I found it in the end
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Mark. Anyone know if this offer includes weekends? Cheers. As stated on the page I linked to in my previous post
so I very much doubt it includes Saturday delivery.
Mark. That page is over a year old. Ah well, doesn't matter now as Scan decided to put the price of the card up above retail so I've ordered from eBuyer instead. Yeah i'm hoping to do same thing, Want the free delivery but not fussed if can't get it as the four items I want the delivery is £11.50 altogether I think.
The link by MarkE19 is very much appreciated though. used the link to purchase tablet went through ok got free delivery,then got delay emails.rang them to find over 500 in stock at bolton and collected next day.waited a week for nothing and had to drive there anyway Is this still working because I can't get it to work.
I clicked the link from the page that said I qualified as an 'active member' but it just goes to the scan home page and still got the £11.50 delivery charge.
who can I speak to about it? Still working for me
The cost did total £50 before VAT (£60 inc VAT) didn't it? If it was <£60 inc VAT then you wouldn't get the free delivery.