Help me with diagnosing gpu issue
Looking for some advice,recently built a new pc
Mobo: Asrock Z370 mini itx
CPU: i7 8700k
16gb DDR4 ram
corsair sf450
I have another pc and using a evga gtx 1050 2gb gpu and all is well in that as It's for work and light cad designs
I took the gpu home to see what difference it made instead of using integrated graphics on the 8700k (only trying out some mmo's no power hungry games however, the machine would not recognise the card??
-checked the bios and primary graphics are for pci.
-unplugged all sata as m.2 is running windows
-reset the board and no difference.
-checked the wattageat the wall and under load im at around 150W
- the gpu powers up from the pci slot so no external power to the psu
- cannot download drivers as it will not pick up the card
- checked dxdiag & device manager and not there
I put the gpu back in my work pc and all is well.
I am at a loss and think the pci slot is dead. I do not have another pci card to check which is frustrating. any ideas?? Fatal1ty Z370 Gaming-ITX/ac ?
Bios version? yuyep was the bios version  all sorted