PC3-10666 and PC3-10600 are they compatable?
Hi all, I need some advice I have an older PC that I'm doing some minor upgrades to.I took out the current 2 x 2GB of corsair (4gb in total) value ram you can see a screenshot belowBut when I go to CEX and look I get two options CeX (UK) : Stock search PC3-10666 and PC3-10600 which one is a match for mine?
I do have 4 slots on the motherboard to so I want to end up with 4 x 2gb a total of 8GB this is the 2 x 2GB I already have and 2 x 2GB new ones I'll buy once I find out which of the 10666 or 10600 I can use?.
Any advice would be great....... It's just a difference in labelling, they're the same thing. Thanks.........