Board/GPU compatiility....
Just a quick one...Can I stick a gtx 1050ti into an AsRock A75 -M-ITX........
There is a PCIe 2.0 x16 slot, but not sure if its compatible with the rest of the board etc...
This is my first venture out in the world of graphics cards as you no doubt can tell.....
Thanks... Don’t see why not, but two things to check?
Is your PSU suitable?
And as this is an ITX motherboard, will the GPU fit in the case? OK, thanks.....
I think the PSU will just be enough....but will check....
and yes, I took a note of the card dimensions yesterday and will check the case.....its a big bulky case I have even though its an it mITX board....thanks.....
So no other issues you can see then.....I looked at spec sheet for my board and didn't see any decent info on gpu.....this may be because these things are designed to work just fine and its just I am a bit naï;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 Does that GPU need additional power from the PSU?
Does your PSU have correct connections? If not, you may need some adapters. I think the 1050ti doesn't require a power supply and can function straight from the PCIe slot... Yes, pcie slots are backward compatable (gen 2 x16 == gen 3 x8), make sure you put it in the top one but as the second one physically is a x16 slot but will run a x4 Speeds
the motherboard/cpu are very very old but ideally upgrade to get the most out of the 1050ti