How long should video card last?
I'm using the Sapphire Radeon HD7770 I had since 2012. It's on my 3rd system, R5 2600. I like to play Duke Nukem 3D a lot and it's ported to Windows front end called Eduke32. Sometime when I click on it to start it'd lock up. Screen go blank and nothing to get out from but reset button.Can this video card cause it to crash? Motherboard, CPU and memory is new. Now I just thought of it, my PSU is also from 2012 but it's a Seasonic MII 520 watt.
I used to have random lock ups but after resetting the BIOS the lock ups came only from clicking on the Duke game.
Any ideas? The video card needs a minimum 450W power supply. So your seasonic PSU should be OK, although at 6years old either that or the video card might be starting to fail. Equally it may be due to buggy software if it only happens with Duke Nukem.
Maybe post your question to Duke Nukem forums with similar setups and see if they can suggest a software patch. That would be a good idea but Duke Nukem is pretty much dead as it's so old but I like it. I doubt there's any support groups around anymore.
I guess I could use a new video card. I'm not a hard core gamer so I don't need a super duper card but what y'all would suggest I get?