If you look in your Z370 Aorus Gaming 7 Motherboard Manual on page 32 it will tell you which of the three M.2 ports you put the SSD in (it will be called M2M, M2A or M2P). Armed with that information, if you then look on page 33 you'll see a series of charts which show you which SATA data lanes are shared with each M.2 lane. If there is an 'x' in the box then you shouldn't use that SATA data lane as the bandwidth is shared.
Also FYI; page 31 has a little diagram which shows you which SATA data connector on the motherboard corresponds to which SATA data lane. (the little grid which goes top left to bottom right: 5/3/1/4/2/0)... so for example, if you have your SSD in M2M (the top M.2 port) then you shouldn't have anything plugged into ports SATA-4 or SATA-5... which would be the two bottom connectors on your motherboard.
I hope this makes sense! If you're still not sure, take a photo of your motherboard showing the SSD position and the SATA connectors and we can hopefully tell you what to do. That was the point of my reply MANY thanks David and Kesuke! Ill look into this tomorrow as the Jim Beam is flowing well now lol Cheers 'Hic'. Hiya guys ok I looked at the BIOS and found it was set to boot as follows:
1) Samsung pro m.2
2) Samsung pro windows image
I simply deactivated the second one and the other 4TB drives and its amazingly quick now so a HUGE thank you for your help and time I really appreciate it!! Fantastic news! Glad you got it sorted out. Glad we helped! Before I forget, it may still be worth looking at which motherboard SATA ports you are using, as even though this appears to have fixed the problem, you could theoretically still be sharing bandwidth with the four 4Tb HDDs. It might not be immediately obvious, and it might not be obvious on startup... but under heavy loads it could make a difference.