Where do water coolers most often leak from?
I was talking with some people the other day about water coolers and leaks, and people being put off buying them because of the leak potential.As I 've never had a water cooler, I don't really know much about them. So I have a quick question. Are there any places where AIO coolers most commonly leak from?
If I could 3D print out a drip catcher, or something I could bullet proof my system. Like maybe print out a shroud or a splash guard that could be clipped on to problem areas.
Just an idle thought or something that might be fun to try, rather than anything serious. I'd expect it to be at the joints, that's definitely the case with normal watercooling systems.
Although for small leaks drips will tend to run down to the lowest point before falling off. Problem with a drip tray is you have to keep an eye on it, which you should anyway with or without a drip tray.
So would a drip tray be worth the time, energy and odd asthetics? Given how hot the inside of most gaming computers. Get I can't imagine a drip tray getting particularly full unless the cooler has sprung a very serious leak. I imagine that just a small bit of water would evaporate quickly, and it wouldn't necessarily look strange you could make it into a shroud of sorts. How hot does yours get? Mine only 5-10 degrees above ambient.
My point is with a drip tray you have to keep an eye on it. But if you do regular checks you’ll find there’s no need for a drip tray. I'm air cooled, so it's not a problem for me, I was more thinking of whether it might be fun to create some stylish 3D printable accessories for AIO coolers as one of the biggest worries for new users is leaking. I have never seen an AIO leak anywhere. The only time you will get a leak is on a custom loop and that will be 9 times out of 10 user error.
If water did leak out it wouldnt be hot enough to evaporate, we are not talking a car engine here. I think it would look awful and just doesn't make sense, i am not sure the biggest worry is about leaking on an AIO and if it is then don't fit one just use a decent air cooler, not to mention if it was leaking enough to fill a water trap then then i certainly wouldn't be leaving it and waiting for the water to evaporate 