Problem with keboard
Wonder if someone can help me please I own a Wireless Keyboard a Loitech K800 2 of the kes have stooped working Can anybody help me on this please First thing I would do is turn the keyboard upside down and give it a good shake. Hopefully anything stuck under the keys will come out, along with dust, dirt, food etc. that has been dropped into the keyboard.Failing that are the keys sticking or do they move freely? If sticking you can try to remove the key cap and try cleaning the mechanism with contact cleaner etc.
Other than that I think you may need to replace the keyboard, especially if it is more than a few years old. Being a mechanical device the keys do wear out over time.
Mark. Thanks Mark Looks like a new kboard I liked the Loitech K800 Thanks for the help I feel for you as I am also using a K800, but have only had mine since Christmas so hopefully it will last me for a few years.
Mark. My last one did last a long time So do not worry about that to much Mark it is still quite pricey though Just got to work how to set it up rightits all cables at the moment The forum search says you mentioned it in a thread in 2014, so you've had it at least five years. That'd about the expected lifetime for a logitech product unfortunately, so failure is plausible.
It's worth connecting it to another device (another computer, smart TV etc.) just to check the same keys are nonfunctional there. thanks endless you have a good memory the old keyboard have well other keys have stooped like the 1,Y,G,so brought a other k800 keyboard everything is fine now.thanks I Have a small Problem with my new Logitech K800 it is as follows. Once I had set it up it works fine expect where as before my old K800 I could adjust the volume from the keyboard. But when I set it up (The Old ONE)I have forgot how to do the this on the new oneI have downloaded the latest software but can not seem to find it can anybody help me try and sort this out Which software have you installed, Setpoint or Logitech Options?
I previously used Setpoint with my last keyboard but now with the K800 I only use Logitech Options that can be downloaded from here -
Hopefully this will get the volume keys working, I didn't have to make any changes on my Windows 10 PC for them to work.
Mark. I replace my keyboards a lot so I buy em cheap. This time I bought a better keyboard (went from $15 to $30 a KB) and it seems to hold up but hard to see the letters on the keys. Too subtle and they call this a gaming keyboard. 