LasyABCDee Publish time 2-12-2019 03:41:37


What is the best Hardware to access the internet?

MarkE19 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:41:39

Welcome to the forum LasyABCDee 

There are so many if's & but's that it is impossible to give an honest answer to your question.

What do you want to do on the internet? If you will be doing a lot of typing you are likely to find a desktop PC or laptop better than a tablet/phone.
Do you need it to be portable? A tablet is normally cheaper & lighter than a full laptop to carry around, plus often has a better battery life.
Etc. Etc. Etc.

So if you can give us some more information on the type of internet access you want to use the device for, plus a budget, then we can offer some more specific advice.


ShanePJ Publish time 2-12-2019 03:41:40

I was going to be sarcastic and say your fingers so long as where ever your using is connected , but @MarkE19 is right. It really depend upon what you classify as the internet. Some see this as basics as Facebook and a communication platform, others want to use it for gathering information much like a library (similar to how your using the AVForums). Many people use it to stream information from movies to music too.

If your asking about router's and which is the best one, then again, there are as many on the market as you can imagine, plus if you have virgin media that uses a different kind of wall connection to other types of home modems which is there just to further confuse you.

So, the best advice is to give a clear understanding of what you want and you'll usually be amazed at how many come to your aid 
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