13-minute power cut, WD takes 6 exabyte hit
Not sure what is the right place for this post, but thought it was an interesting story related to the storage business.One teeensy little 13-minute power cut, and WD you look at the size of that chip supply cut!Western Digital 'fesses up to taking 6 exabyte hit
One teeensy little 13-minute power cut, and WD you look at the size of that chip supply cut!
The temporary loss of manufacturing capacity will reduce global flash supplies around 24 per cent between August and October this year, we're told, and this, in turn, may fuel short-term price rises of 5 to 10 per cent.
It's pretty shocking the impact of a 13 minute power cut! Either that or they want to artificially raise the price of NAND  Prices for SSDs are getting very low, they had to ramp up the price somehow.... I find it absolutely terrifying that I have two pictures I use for avatars. Yours is one of them.
Staying on topic tho. That outage will have cost them more than an artificial price increase would gain. Unless you shut down and send everyone home you don't save anything. They did that with RAM a while back after an earthquake that didn't even damage the factory.