GPU and power supply?
Hi folks. I have a vega RX 56 gpu, which requires two 8pin connections. My psu is a semi modular e3va 850w, which has a cable with two 8pin connectors. Can that one cable suffice to power the gpu, or does is need two separate cables?Thanks in advance.
G Provided there are no warning in the PSU manual about it, and with such a high capacity PSU I doubt there will be, then that'll work fine. This is what the Vega RX 56 gpu requires from the PSU:
Typical Board Power (Desktop) - 210 W
PSU Recommendation - 650 W
So your e3va 850w, whether it's a G3 (Gold rated) or B3 (Bronze rated) model is more than adequate and the 2 x 8 pin connectors are there for exactly your intended use. You do of course have to add all the hardware drain on you build into the equation but in general you should be ok unless that is you have any other big drain factors on your system build that would take it to the limit. You will be fine with the 2 connectors on a single cable.  If it has two cables, then they are safe to use. Plus at 850w it's safe to assume it has the grunt to drive them both to the capacity of the cables (the RX 56 will never put full load on both cables). If you really want to be sure, See how many amps it kicks out on each rail. If it's a single rail PSU then it doesn't matter where the load goes. If it's multi rail it will literally tell you how much power it can deliver to the GPU lines. This is not true, it all depends on how much ampage each cable can pull.
It should, however be enough. But as mentioned check the manual The figures were taken from the manual/spec sheets and yes agree on the pull of each cable.