Ryzen 3900X - In stock anywhere in the UK?
I have been completely shafted by Amazon (long story). So i'm back on the lookout for one of these to complete my build.Any idea where I can source one? I've had a look at the usual suspects (Scan, Overclockers etc) but all saying out of stock.
Cheers Looks like your out of luck as it seems no one has stock. Makes you wonder what AMD are doing re any marketing plan they have, or haven't got. Agreed. They had all the hype and momentum leading up to launch then they pi$$ it all away by having no stock on shelves.
Worse thing is I’ve got 2.5k of kit sitting in boxes waiting to complete my build.  Yes they blew that advantage they were supposed to have for sure. Hope you are able to get one soon, though with Amazon saying 1 to 3 months and Scan saying pre order, overdue since 31st July, it doesn't sound promising. Will keep an eye out for availabilityanywhere or rumours of. Cheers mate for keeping an eye out. As I said Amazons done me right over. In two minds to send the whole bloody lot back. ll you got it all from Amazon you would probably have a right to do that as by the time they get you a CPU you might have run as much as 3 months of the warranty out on the MB etc. Right now you would have goods not fit for purpose as you cannot use anything if it's down to them. Maybe time to put some pressure on them if so and if they weren't truthful about the situation then you have them where you need them.