PC Build 2020 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:50

I’m doing a second-hand £200 pound build

CPU: i5-3570 £28
GPU: RX 570 £100
RAM: 8GB DDR3 £18
HDD: 540GB WD Caviar (Owned)
Motherboard: Asus Mini ITX P8H61-I Motherboard and Cooler Combo (LGA 1155) £29
PSU: EVGA 500W 80Certified PSU (New) £34
Case: DIYPC MA01-R £18 (New)
Keyboard: Corsair K66 (Owned)
Mouse: Corsair Harpoon (Owned)

EndlessWaves Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:52

Intel stock coolers come in various versions, so while the Ivy Bridge i5s were fairly low power there are still version of the cooler less capable than the one it came with.

£42 with get you a perfectly reasonable new PSU. I'd be cautious about spending that on a second hand one.

That's a very old and hot card, I suspect you can get something rather newer of similar performance for the same price.If you're not in any hurry there's a good chance you can bag the RX 570 for £100 as it's being replaced in the next few months.

PC Build 2020 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:53

Ok sounds pretty good I am getting the psu new because I don’t want to cheap out and I am sure you probably know why, the rx 570 seems a good shout and I’ll check some listings on eBay and the Cex pricing

PC Build 2020 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:54

undefined - CeX (UK): - Buy, Sell, Donate

Backspace Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:55

When I built my AM4 system with the Ryzen 5 2600 CPU I kept my i5-3570 system and turned it into a Kubuntu system with a 32 gig SSD. The i5-3570 CPU are still quite capable.

I bought a Powercolor RX 570 4 gig 256 bit VC from Amazon for $130 to replace my aging HD7770 VC a week ago. I like the card. It does better.

By the way, this is cooling the i5 CPU. 

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