Abdul70 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:00

4k TV shows as 1080p native in setting.

My PC is connected to the TV using the HDMI 2.0. When I go into the resolution settings in Nvidia graphics panel it says native resolution is 1080p but allows me to choose 3840x2160 but i am afraid i am being upscaled.

I have 4k tv why does it say 1080p as native? I have reinstalled driver using DDU but still problem persist. Any idea how to fix it?

next010 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:02

What model number TV is it ?

Abdul70 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:03

Philips 65PUT7303.

next010 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:04

Its definitely a 3840x2160 display.

Is the TV in PC mode ?

Buried in the settings menu somewhere on Philips should be a PC mode option, I think it's near the game mode option, perhaps this is not enabled and the Nvidia driver thinks it's connected to a generic TV rather than treating it as a monitor.

Abdul70 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:05

Yes its in monitor mode.

Abacus Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:06

It normally means that whatever you play on your PC the card will always output everything as 1080p, up-scaling or downscaling the content as needed.
If available set to native or direct mode, (Or similar) as then it will just pass through whatever is played on the PC (If it's a game it will output whatever you set the game settings at) and the TV will do the up-scaling if required.

jwsg Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:07

It is worrying that the Nvidia panel is not showing 2160p as the native res.

On many TVs there's a particular setting for each HDMI port - UHD enhanced or something similar - its necessary to enable that to get 4K/60Hz/8 bit

Check you are using a certified high speed HDMI cable

On Nvidia Change Resolution page I run with "Use Default Colour settings" which ends up with 4K/60Hz/8 bit. You cant get more than 8 bit at 60Hz with HDMI 2,0, But you can play with the Nvidia settings here - but I doubt if you can overcome what the card is seeing from the monitor.

On Nvidia "Adjust desktop size and position" start with "No scaling." In fact as a start go to each Nvidia page and change to defaults.

The Windows desktop should always be 2160p but in the Windows Display Settings I apply 200% in windows scaling - which just makes the text big enough to read but still at a 2160p res.

For gaming I often set games at 1080p to help the GPU but also to allow 10/12 bit depth at 60Hz.

GMC79 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:08

Spec says can get 3840x2160 @ 60hz on all hdmi so should be ok. What graphics card?

Try another hdmi lead and also try selecting custom resolution and setting it to and see if ok then.
I had similar problem of it saying 1080p as native on my tv back when I was using display port but could set it to custom 4k60 and was ok.

Abdul70 Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:09

Now after some testing I am sure I am outputing Native 4k but just in nvdia panel it says 1080p as native.In nvidia i can select 4K/60Hz/8 bit. Whats the advatage of using 12bit depth?

jwsg Publish time 2-12-2019 03:35:10

Less colour banding / contouring. Windows gets round it by dithering etc so 8 bit colour depth still looks OK - and you certainly dont want less that 60Hz unless its a movie being played. Even with a 1080ti I often set 1080 in games with more graphics options turned on. With none or TV scaling the 1080p is sent over HDMI with the TV doing the upscaling so that more colour depth is possible.

Next time round there will be HDMI 2,1 so that work-around wont be needed.

For the windows desktop you can soon tell if its native 4K - with no windows scaling all the text is readable but tiny, which is why I use 200% windows scale. Most progs these days are also windows scaling aware.

Also there are apps you can download to show what the monitor is reporting (EDID) Ive just tried MonitorInfoView and Entech Monitor Asset Manager
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