Hi I have just got a new 2TB Seagate Hard drive to replace my old one Imagine my surprise is when I loaded it it shows under 1Tb before I loaded I put it on USB Cable tosee if I could format it but I could not but it did show 2TB So what I have I done wrong. One strange thing is on my old drive when I took it out on it it had 4 photos but when I put the 2TB drive in it showed the photos of my old drive on it how is this The only thing I can think of is I am using the same cables to connect it to the new drive Unless you have transferred the photos then that’s not possible, are you sure you haven’t mixed the drives up ? It sounds like you may have cloned the drive, in which case it's only showing as 1TB because that's the size of the old partition. Hi Endless my own silly Fault Put in the wrong Hard Drive in I had put a !tb instead of a 2TB now got the right drive in the computer it was because the writing on the hard drive could not see it Silly me//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif