omegaworm Publish time 2-12-2019 03:32:48


Hello i was wondering i am going to make a new computer but how do you tell what ryzen cpu's are 1st or secound generation i look on the motherboards and they say secound gen. Thank you

Peeej Publish time 2-12-2019 03:32:49

the original are all 1xxx, next get is 2xxx and the latest gen is 3xxx

EndlessWaves Publish time 2-12-2019 03:32:49

Motherboards will have a CPU compatibility list in the support section of the manufacturer's website for checking compatibility.

Branding-wise yes. In terms of CPU design and manufacturing process then the 1000 series and 2000 G-suffix and Mobile CPUs are Zen, the 2000 series without iGPUs and the 3000 G-suffix and Mobile CPUs are Zenand the 3000 series without iGPUs are Zen 2.
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